
Are You Done Dealing with Joint Pain?

Published October 15th, 2019 by Dr. Hoder

Halloween is quickly approaching, and what could be scarier than waking up and feeling immediate pain? For those suffering from persistent joint pain, waking up in pain is a daily occurrence. Even spookier is that most of us will experience some form of joint pain in our lives. Fortunately, that pain is not something we have to just live with. Here’s how chiropractic can help.

How Does Chiropractic Work?

You probably associate chiropractors with the spine and neck, right? While spinal adjustments do focus on eliminating restrictions found in the vertebrae of the spine to improve mobility and alleviate pain, we also have the ability to help treat pain in the joints. Similar to how we adjust the spine, joints can also relieved of tension to promote proper function. Chiropractic adjustments are gentle, effective, non-addictive treatments that have helped some of our patients find immediate relief!

What Joints Can Be Treated?

Can any joint be adjusted? Well, it really depends. Some of the most commonly requested adjustments include the obvious like the neck and beck, but we can also adjust the ankles, knees, shoulders, elbows, and wrists. An adjustment in these specific areas may bring pain relief as well as improved mobility in that joint.

You’ve most likely already experienced joint pain of some sort during your life, and it might be tempting to continue to live with it. But why do that when treatment is readily available? Here at Markson Chiropractic, we are dedicated to providing excellent care to improve the health and wellness of our patients in the greater Fort Lauderdale area. We use our joints in just about everything we do, and we want to help you take care of yours. To learn more about the benefits of chiropractic care, click here to contact us!

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