How Do Your Hands Hold Up?

Doesn’t it seem like every day we are getting busier and busier? From summer sports to getting ready to go back to school, we need our hands to function as they should. You use your hands all throughout the day, from making breakfast, to corralling kids, working your job, chores around the house, fixing dinner — their work never ends! So much activity can sometimes trigger hand pain, and chiropractic can help.
Chiropractic…for your hands?
At Markson Chiropractic, we are more than neck and back doctors. Our goal is to provide all of our patients with the tools to live a happy and healthy life, and that includes taking care of your hands. Our focus on spinal adjustments and health is because when the spine works well, so does the rest of the body. Spinal adjustments are gentle, effective, and focused movements designed to improve the function of the spinal column and the extremities of the body.
Two common benefits are patients enjoy are pain relief and an overall improvement in their well-being. But chiropractic care isn’t just for the chiropractor’s office. There are some measures you can take on your own to improve hand pain, particularly for those who are busy clacking away on keyboards.
Hand-Wrist Stretch
With your elbow bent, hold one hand at chest level. Then, use the other hand to grasp the thumb side of the hand to bend the wrist down. Switch hands and repeat.
Hands and Fingers
Start again with your elbow bent and one hand held at chest level. Grasp the fingers of that hand with the other and gently pull back. Switch hands and repeat.
Our hands don’t just help us get through the day, they help us do the things we love. Don’t let arthritis or pain in the hands and wrist stop you from accomplishing your day-to-day tasks or get in the way of your favorite hobbies. Our team of chiropractic professionals will work with you to determine the root of the issue causing hand pain. We will start by asking questions about your routine at home and work, your current pain, and health and family history. Together, we will create a custom treatment plan that is unique to your needs to keep your hands healthy!
Click here to contact us and learn more about how chiropractic care can benefit you!
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