Face Masks 101

As of April 11, Broward county has required people to wear face masks or coverings while out in public Here are some face covering and mask FAQ’s.
Are masks effective?
To help prevent the spread of coronavirus, face coverings are now required in Broward County when out in public. That means having your face covered is a must when unable to socially distance, but it is still best to keep a distance of at least six feet.
Studies on how effective homemade masks are show that they are significantly less effective than surgical masks, but they can help stop the spread of COVID-19. That is because they provide a physical barrier from viral particles. Despite the fact they don’t have the same filters that N95 respirators do, they are certainly helpful when going out in public.
Although less effective than surgical or N95 respirators, save those for the healthcare workers as they face personal protective equipment shortages that are much needed when treating coronavirus patients.
How do I make a mask?
If you can sew, that’s great. If you can’t, that’s also okay. Just click here for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention step-by-step instructions on making both sew and no-sew masks.
Once you’ve got your mask ready, keep these tips in mind:
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water before touching or putting your mask on
Make sure your entire mouth and nose area is covered
Avoid touching the mask and especially your face to prevent contamination
Keep your mask on while in public
When you are back home or in your vehicle, take your mask off from the back. Don’t pull the front down or you risk contamination.
Immediately wash your mask to prevent contamination
Wash your hands after handling the mask and again after you’ve washed it
To keep your masks clean, just throw them in the washing machine or even wash them by hand in hot water. Be sure to wash your mask before and after each use.
If you are unable to make your own mask, crafters on Etsy still have them for sale, but you should consider that these will take time to ship. Here at Markson Chiropractic, we are committed as always to your health in wellness. We have taken steps to keep your local Plantation chiropractic practice safe and clean for our patients – just click here to learn more!
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