Have a Heart Healthy Valentine's Day!

Valentine’s Day is here and love is in the air! If you are trying to be more health conscious, this day of love between you and your Valentine can pose some challenges. Here are a few tips to celebrate your heart by making heart healthy choices!
A Romantic Dinner
Restaurants are busier than ever on Valentine’s Day as you and your special someone treat yourselves to a nice meal out. But just because it’s romantic doesn’t mean it can’t be healthy. When perusing the menu, choose baked or broiled dishes centered on seafood or lean meats. Pair it with grilled or roasted vegetables and request they don’t use butter. You can give in and have that chocolate mousse - just make sure you share!
Sweets for Your Sweetie
Rich and creamy chocolates in a heart-shaped box are a Valentine’s Day staple, but they aren’t the best choice for your heart health. You can still enjoy a sweet treat this year, as dark chocolate is actually good for your heart (so long as it is also low in sugar). Pair some dark chocolate with fresh berries and you’ve got a heart healthy and delicious dessert.
Give the Gift of Health
Sure, diamonds are great, but you know what’s even better? Health! Instead of a gift like jewelry or flowers, try a dance or cooking class. These are activities you can do together, and learning new and healthy habits will give you even more to celebrate for future Valentine’s Days.
Get Outside
In sunny South Florida, there’s no excuse not to get outside and get moving this Valentine’s Day. Pack a backpack with healthy snacks and take a walk on the beach and enjoy a picnic or maybe visit the local park for a bike ride. Whatever you decide to do, being active together is a way to enjoy each other’s company while practicing healthy habits.
The health of your valentine is something special, and what better day to celebrate the heart and its health? Focusing on heart health this Valentine’s Day is just another way to show them you care! If you’d like more tips on heart health, contact us or ask during your next adjustment!
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