Here's To A Healthy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is finally here: a day full of family, football, and of course - food! Your family probably has its own Thanksgiving traditions, but what if you tried something new this year?Here at Markson Chiropractic, we want you to have the best Thanksgiving ever. No, we aren’t going to give you a hard time about that third piece of pie, but if you follow our tips and tricks, you might just have your happiest (and healthiest) Thanksgiving yet!
Breathe Deep
The holiday season is a wonderful time of year to unwind and celebrate. Though we are supposed to take some time to relax, it can actually be quite stressful. When you reflect on the holidays and the memories made, the ones that are often ignored are the ones in which your aunt is nagging you for taking too long to set the table or your mom is giving you a hard time about your outfit. And why does your Great Uncle Ed and Aunt Harriet still argue about who dropped the cranberries on Thanksgiving in 1987?
The point we’re trying to make is that Thanksgiving tends to mean there are one too many cooks in the kitchen, which often leads to stressful situations. Instead of falling into the negativity, find your happy place. Step outside and take a few deep breaths or take over mashing the potatoes and get some of that irritation out. Not only will that help you stay calm, it’s also good for your digestion. You might not be your grandma’s favorite (for this year), but you can be the calmest!
Laugh Out Loud
Getting together with family and friends is all about enjoying each others company, so be sure to get a good belly laugh in. Laughter improves your mood and is also good for your blood vessels, heart, and vascular system as a whole. Don’t forget - laughter is contagious! Of all the things going around at this time of hear, laughter is the best one to catch. Laugh a little and the rest of the family will surely follow suit.
Walk It Off
Don’t let your day be completely sedentary. Take a brisk morning walk before the cooking begins, or roll yourself out the door for a short walk after dinner. Breathe in the fresh autumn air and think about all you’ve got to be thankful for. Thanksgiving is a day for appreciation, so it is a great way to celebrate.
Eat Up!
The food is prepared, the table is set, and you’ve got your stretchy pants on!
Part of celebrating Thanksgiving is filling your plate with all the delicious dishes you can. In order to have a healthy Thanksgiving, you don’t have to skip out on all that you love. Just try lightening things up a little bit by making more good choices. Make veggies and fruits the shining star of your dish. Cranberries are great for your kidneys, pumpkin contains vital nutrients that can promote a better mood, and you know turkey is great for regulating your sleep cycle and also for improving your immune system.
While we encourage you to eat as healthy as possible, one day of indulgence isn’t going to completely detail your healthy habits. So eat up, nap, laugh with your family, enjoy the game, and be thankful for another Thanksgiving…and the great health the chiropractic has provided you with!
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