
How to Handle a Car Accident

Published July 26th, 2016 by Dr. Hoder

Car accidents happen and are fortunately enough not usually serious. However, even a minor accident can lead to a major problem with lasting effects. Whiplash, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain are all side effects of car accidents if left untreated can turn into chronic conditions that leave you in pain for years. So in case of a car accident here is what I suggest you do:

Drive Safely

I'm not here to lecture you about your habits, but obviously avoiding a cat accident altogether would be ideal. Avoid any and all distractions while you're behind the wheel. For example, if you're feeling tired, pull over and grab a coffee. 

Be Prepared to Heal 

The better off you are before the car accident the better off you'll be afterward. If your body is strong and flexible it will be that much easier for you to recover from most car accidents. I'm not suggesting to plan for a car accident, but having good health keeps you prepared to tackle most situations.

Go From The Accident to a Chiropractor

Obviously if you need to go to the hospital, go! But as soon as possible get over to your chiropractor to get checked out. You could have under lying muscle tension that if left untreated could turn into a chronic issue. Your spine likely also became subluxated as a result of the car accident, which again can lead to a chronic issue if uncorrected.

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