
How to Improve Your Sleep

Published June 14th, 2016 by Dr. Hoder

Getting the proper amount of rest is extremely important for your overall health. How well you sleep depends on your daily activity, your diet, and what you do right before crawling into bed. You might be sabotaging any chance you have at a good night's sleep without even knowing it. So here's what you need to know to improve your sleep:

Stop using your smartphones/tablets right before bed

There are multiple studies on the effects that these electronic devices have on your sleep. The main thing, is to stop staring at any light-emitting device for at least an hour before bed. The light messes with your body's ability to create the proper hormone balance to go into rest mode. 

Put Your Phone In Sleep Mode

We've all gotten those late night texts before, and we all dread the late night emergency phone call. But our phones get TONS of notifications nowadays. Most smartphones have some sort of sleep mode option where you can still receive texts/calls from select contacts. Use this so that you are only woken up in case of emergencies.

Eliminate Caffeine In the Afternoons

Coffee affects different people differently, but if you're having issues sleeping through the night, cut out the caffeine. Lunch might seem far away from bedtime, but caffeine can stay in the system for up to 12 hours. This means no soda, chocolate, etc. in the afternoons.

Cut Down Your Meal Size

Keep in mind that the hour before sleep is a crucial time for your body to properly wind down. In addition to staying off your smartphones and tablets, you need to also stay out of the kitchen. You should try to have dinner at least two hours before going to sleep to give your body time to properly digest. 

Cut Out Alcohol

Most people believe that because alcohol makes you feel drowsy it will help you to sleep better, however drinking alcohol right before bed can affect your REM sleep which is the most important!

Stay Properly Hydrated

Proper hydration is extremely important for your overall healthy as well. However, be careful about drinking a huge glass of water right before bed. This will likely lead to you waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. If you want to get the right amount of water, make sure to drink a lot throughout the day!

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