Try Regenerative Therapy for Knee Injuries

If you’ve recently injured your knee or are dealing with the lingering effects of an old injury, regenerative therapy is an option well worth exploring. Markson Chiropractic recommends regenerative therapy as a non-invasive, effective treatment for injuries like runner’s knee. With as little as one treatment, you can expect to experience less pain, better mobility, and continued improvement.
Why Try Regenerative Therapy for Knee Injuries
Regenerative therapy uses the power of stem cells to promote fast, natural healing. One injection of Wharton’s Jelly can expedite the repair of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even bones, potentially eliminating the need for surgery or more invasive treatment.
Regenerative therapy can be a great help with injuries like runner’s knee and ACL/MCL/PCL sprains and tears. Treatment helps reduce inflammation and generate new cells and tissue, which results in less pain, better mobility, and a faster recovery time.
Our patients are the best spokespeople for the effectiveness of regenerative therapy for knee injuries. Alan M. says that he was skeptical about whether stem cells would work, but he wanted to avoid knee replacement surgery as it would prevent him from working in construction. But that skepticism quickly turned to amazement once Alan started to feel the difference.
“After about 3 weeks, I noticed a difference in how I felt at the end of the day. There was no swelling and no need to ice my knees before bed,” Alan says. “It has only gotten better in the 12 weeks since my injection. So far, it has been a miracle.”
Get Treatment for Runner’s Knee in Plantation, FL
The results we’ve seen in patients who undergo regenerative therapy for knee, back, and shoulder injuries have been nothing short of miraculous. That’s why Markson Chiropractic is happy to answer your questions about stem cell treatment and help you weigh your options. If you’d like to try regenerative therapy for runner’s knee, a torn ligament, or other sports- or work-related injuries, schedule an appointment, call us at (954) 472-7975, or stop by our offices in Plantation, FL.
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