Staying on Top of Your Health over the Holidays

Dr. Tokar wrote an awesome blog last week with some tips to help get you through the holidays, and it inspired me to share some of my own tips with you:
Step Up Your Health and Wellness Plan
During the holidays you will be tempted with lots of treats and unhealthy foods. Choose the healthy options. Take advantage of your time off work by hitting the gym extra hard. Schedule your chiropractic adjustments over the holidays to make sure your nervous system stays healthy. Don't spend the entire holiday gathered around a table for a big family dinner. Go on walks or enjoy a stroll in the sunshine.
Give Thanks for Your Health
The holidays are usually spent around loved ones. If you and your loved ones are healthy enough to be around each other over the holidays take a minute to think about how amazing that is!
Share the Health
If you have healthy recipes for the holiday share them with your loved ones, and ask them to share some of theirs with you. Experiment with a few new recipes to add to your traditional meal.
Give the Gift of Health and Wellness
If you know someone who is experiencing pain or poor health of any kind, give them the gift of chiropractic! We're here to help in any way that we can so give us a call with any questions (954) 472-7975.
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