Tips and Tricks for a Healthier Halloween

With Halloween quickly approaching, we are loving all things spooky. You’re probably thinking one of the scariest things would be your chiropractor telling you to have a healthy Halloween! At Markson Chiropractic, we love Halloween as much as everyone else. Dressing up in a scary, silly, or crazy costume and getting free candy? Count us in! It’s a tradition that most look back on with fond memories, but we also know it’s important to maintain balance. Holidays centered on candy and treats can make that challenging.
You work hard to instill healthy habits in your family, and you don’t want to undo all of that for a night of candy and costumes. Sure – one night won’t do it, but the School of Public Health at the University of Alabama found that trick-or-treating results in the average child collecting between 3,500 and 7,000 calories worth of candy. Now that is scary! We aren’t suggesting you skip the sweets and replace all your kid’s candy with fruits and veggies, but we do have some tips to help your family have a healthier Halloween. Here are our suggestions.
Start the Night with a Scary Good Meal
Halloween might look a little different this year, but if you still plan on trick-or-treating, start with a healthy and well-rounded meal. This will make it easier for your kids (and you!) to resist stuffing yourself full of candy. Include fiber, complex carbs, and lean protein in your meal so you will have plenty of energy as you go from house to house.
Set Ghoulish Goals
One health benefit of trick-or-treating is that walking is good exercise. Get your kids even more excited by mapping out your route and create goals of how much ground you’ll cover. You can even download an app to track your steps so if you add more neighborhoods during the night, you’ll see how far you’ve truly gone.
Don’t Fear the Freezer
Have a conversation with your kids ahead of time about how much candy they can have on Halloween night, then take the remainder away and freeze it. Fun-size candy bars may be small, but they take longer to eat when they are frozen which will help keep your kids from consuming too much candy at once.
Visit us at Markson Chiropractic
You may not realize just how much chiropractic care benefits your overall health and wellness, and we want every member of your family to be as healthy as possible. This is especially true during the holiday season when it’s harder to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For more tips and tricks, just ask during your next adjustment. Click here to get started – your local chiropractor wants to help you stay in frightfully good shape!
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